Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Lets go back to the "Nothing for dinner on Wednesday" blog post because I'm sure you have missed those because I for sure have! I have so much peppers, tomatoes, and tons of eggs because I never run out of that! But with extras in the refrigerator, what better thing to do than marry them together. I took feta cheese and eggs, stuffed the peppers with the mixture, added a tomato, and baked them in the oven. The result? Beautiful eggs and feta cheese in a pepper bed. Delicious and delightful, not to mention fun. Get creative and most importantly; ENJOY!

Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 70 minutes
Total time: 80 minutes
Serves: 4 people

Green peppers
12 Eggs
5 Tomatoes (Cut into circular pieces)
5 Cherry tomatoes
Feta cheese

1. Prepare the peppers and place in a large pan; Taking out the inside seeds, rinsing the peppers. etc.
2. In a large bowl whisk 12 eggs.
3. Crumble feta cheese in the eggs and mix.
4. Grab a spoon and add the egg mixture in the peppers; about 2/3 of the pepper should be filled with eggs then add a tomato or two on top of the eggs. Place on the pan and continue process for the rest of the peppers.
5 .Drizzle oil evenly around the pan.
6. If you have extra eggs and feta cheese, add the halved cherry tomatoes and pour the mix on top of the peppers.
7. Bake at 400*


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